Live Stream Audience
145,147 Monthly Video Views
646,367 Monthly Page Reach
110,898 Monthly Engagement
- Feb 15 - March 15, 2018 Facebook Insights

- Aug. 27, 2016
On Cue Billiards teams up with O'brians to celebrate an upcoming new league with a 3-man , Blind--draw, Round-Robin, Team, 8-ball benefit event. $3,000 is raised for a wheelchair van for Eli.
Event Sponsorship

Events are at the very heart of what On Cue Pool League is all about. Sponsorship can take on many forms, from sponsoring an event, the name of a Championship, a table, a team or a player. Contact Mickey Hammond @ 618-263-7786 to talk about availability, pricing, and what On Cue Can Do For You!
On Cue has the most engaged and loyal following in the Tri-State.

Team Sponsorship

$100 Small T-Shirt Ads

- Nov. 12, 2016
Skyler Woodward visits O'Brian's Sports Bar for a meet and greet with On Cue Pool League members, while Mid and Lower Tier Rated Players play in a $500-added Round Robin Handicapped Tournament